National Center for Emissions Balancing and Management

Still many companies are not aware of the fact that "KOBiZE" exists. Of course, the number of these enterprises is decreasing year by year. The lack of knowledge by some of them about KOBiZE means that they do not submit their mandatory Reports. Who is obliged to complete Reports to KOBiZE? Who controls entrepreneurs in this respect? We will try to answer these questions.

kobize report

What is KOBIZE?

National Center for Emissions Balancing and Management (abbreviated as "KOBiZE") performs tasks related to pollutant balancing and air protection. It was created to meet the obligations arising from EU directives and participation in the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme.
In 2011, KOBiZE launched the National Base on emissions of greenhouse gases and other substances.

amount of pollutant emissions

What are the main tasks of KOBIZE?

Who is obliged to register and prepare reports to KOBIZE? What processes generate the need to prepare reports to KOBIZE?

Entity using the environment causing air emissions is obliged to prepare an annual Report to the National Center for Balancing and Management of Emissions.

The KOBIZE report takes into account the volume of pollutant emissions released into the air from many industrial sectors, including from processes such as: fuel combustion, boiler operation, oil or gas refinery, casting of steel or ferrous alloys, welding, grinding, painting, varnishing, coating, cleaning and fuel combustion in cars. In addition to the processes listed above, many other activities that result in organized or unorganized emissions are subject to reporting.

The amount of emissions in the report is taken into account on the basis of conducted by the company or institution recording gas and dust emissions into the environment, consumption of materials, emission factors, operating times of installations and devices and submissions/permits for gas and dust emissions into the air/integrated permit/measurement resultsif the entity has any of the above-mentioned documents

By when should the report to KOBIZE be completed?

The report to the KOBIZE database should be submitted annually by the end of February for the previous year. The report is submitted online, after prior registration to the National Database. The waiting time for verification of the submitted application for a new account in the database should not exceed 1 month.

Who controls whether we fulfill the reporting obligation to KOBIZE?

The entity using the environment has been obliged to keep such records since 2011. The Voivodeship Inspectorate for Environmental Protection has the right to check whether the entity has the reports in question, and if there are none, it may issue a post-inspection ordinance ordering to supplement the arrears for the period up to 5 years back.

The purpose of reporting to KOBIZE is to obtain data on current emissions of various pollutants in the country, create environmental studies, report the results to the European Union and implement measures to improve air quality.


Even a small company with only one car or heating boiler


is obliged to complete the report on the amount of em every yearigo to KOBIZE!!!


In order to report to the National Database (KOBIZE), it is necessary to set up an online account in the database and report emissions annually by the end of February.


The report to KOBiZE should be completed independently in the KOBiZE database by the end of February of the year following the year to which the report relates.


Completion of the Report to KOBIZE

it is not easy for a person doing it for the first time.

If you think you need support in reporting to KOBIZE, please contact us!

Call or write to us!

We will be happy to support you in completing the report to KOBiZE, and if you want, Mrwe will conduct the training in this regard.

The material is for information purposes only and is not an interpretation of the law. Due to possible changes in applicable law, all information provided should be verified and checked for validity.

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