Deadlines for examining applications for permits/notifications (deadlines for the so-called regulation of the formal and legal status):


   1. Notification for gas emission and dust emission notification.

   2. Gas emission permit, dust emission permit.

   3. Water law notification.

   4. Water permit.

   5. Waste generation permit.

   6 Waste treatment permit.

   7. Waste collection permit.

   8. Decision approving the hydrogeological documentation.

   9. Approval of the geological works project. 

According to the KPA, the office should consider the case without undue delay. Cases requiring proceedings: no later than within a monthand especially complicated: within 2 months (Article 35 of the Code of Administrative Procedure).

official deadlines


10. Provision regarding the approval of the fire protection report. 

According to the information we received from one of the firefighters of the fire brigade headquarters, when considering applications for a decision in the field of considered fire safety reports, they are not subject to KPA records so far!!!


11. Integrated Permit. 

The Office should consider the application for an integrated permit within a period of time 6 miesięcy from the date of its submission. In fact, this period may be extended, because quite often the Offices do not include the deadlines for obtaining approvals, opinions and periods of suspension of proceedings. In addition, the issuance of the decision may be delayed for other reasons beyond the control of the office. 


12. Decision on environmental conditions. 

According to the KPA, the office should consider the case without undue delay. Cases requiring proceedings: no later than within a monthand especially complicated: within 2 months (Article 35 of the Code of Administrative Procedure).

The office to which the application is submitted usually takes about 60 days (30 days + 30 days, which are separated by 30 days that are usually needed to obtain an opinion from RDOŚ, PIS, Polish Waters).

In fact, it takes around 90 days to process a case, and sometimes 4 to 5 months.

The deadlines specified above do not include the deadlines provided for:

– to perform certain activities;

– periods of suspension of proceedings;

– the duration of the mediation;

(Article 57 of the Code of Administrative Procedure)


It has been assumed that even the time when postal correspondence is outside the Office examining the application is not included in the duration of the proceedings.

The material is for information purposes only and is not an interpretation of the law. Due to possible changes in applicable law, all information provided should be verified and checked for validity.

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