Geophysical research – allow for evaluation and carrying out expert opinions for design purposes and geophysical monitoring.

Geophysical soil research they are most often used in housing, road construction and industry.

geophysical survey

The most common methods of engineering geophysics are as follows:

seismic measurements

is an analysis of the propagation of artificially generated seismic waves in the test medium, used to detect geological boundaries, solid uncracked ground, e.g. granites, limestones, dolomites, etc. in quarries, discontinuities, groundwater levels, changes in density, subsidence, voids, karst forms and underground objects.

GPR measurements

is an analysis of electromagnetic wave propagation in the medium, useful in determining geological and geotechnical boundaries, subsidence, voids in rocks and other media, detecting underground objects, searching for infrastructure such as cables, pipes (also PVC) or collectors.

electrical resistance measurements

is an analysis of the propagation of the generated electric current in a given medium - it is based on determining changes in the specific electrical resistance (resistivity) of the tested soil. The method has been used in detecting geological and geotechnical boundaries (e.g. HDD guided drilling), determining soil resistivity (e.g. for gas pipelines), detecting changes in soil resistance, water table, searching for the extent of contamination, contamination, as well as detecting underground objects.

Microgravimetric method

consists in the analysis of changes in the earth's attraction causing microanomalies of gravity caused by the non-uniform distribution of rock masses in the rock mass. It is used to find looseness and voids in shallow mining and karst phenomena. In addition, this method is used to find undocumented and unliquidated shafts, poor shafts, adits, excavations, underground living quarters (economic and military), fortifications, cellars, chambers, tunnels and corridors as well as catacombs, crypts and tombs.

electromagnetic method

is the analysis of the disturbance of the induced electromagnetic field propagating in the medium. More precisely, it consists in the analysis of detected changes in soil resistance in order to determine the extent of soil contamination, pollution, identifying places of increased filtration or leakage, and designating underground facilities, collectors and tunnels.

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