Investor supervision. - What is this?

Investor supervision is a set of activities aimed at controlling the ongoing construction works. Thanks to it, the investor has control over the construction of the facility (compliance with the design on the basis of which it is being built and with the applicable legal guidelines).

Investor supervision should be performed by the Construction Supervision Inspector or the Investor's Supervision Inspector with the necessary qualifications and experience.

In the scope of supervision, construction supervision is most often carried out in the scope of the execution of works, and the quality of used building materials is also monitored. The investor should be kept informed about the progress of works and their quality. In the course of the Supervision, inspectors may accept both partial and final works. They can also support the Investor in handing over the facility for use.

investor supervision

Supervision is aimed at eliminating many problems that usually occur during the implementation of the project.

The inspector is sometimes confused with the construction manager, in other cases with the inspector of the state construction supervision services.

Supervision protects the investor's interests not only against abuses, but also against dishonesty of contractors and designers.

For what investments is the presence of the Investment Supervision Inspector required?

Why is investor supervision a very important aspect of the construction process?

Substituting the types of building materials provided for in the project without the investor's consent may bring additional profit to the dishonest contractor, of course at the investor's expense and detriment. Often, in order to determine whether fraudulent events have occurred, the specialist knowledge of the supervisory inspector is necessary.

What are the duties of the investor's supervision inspector?

The investor's supervision inspector has certain duties, including:

represents the investor at the construction site, controlling the compliance of the investment with the approved design and the issued building permit and applicable regulations, based on the principles of technical knowledge,

checks whether the construction works carried out are carried out in accordance with the relevant quality standards.

However, it is inadvisable for him to directly interfere in the course of works, change plans, or impose his vision of the course of construction.

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What rights does an investor's supervision inspector have?

In connection with his position, the investor supervision inspector has certain rights. Has the right:

  1. Give instructions to both the construction manager and the works manager (with an entry in the construction log) regarding:
    • the need to remove irregularities or threats,
    • carrying out tests or examinations, if necessary to uncover works or covered elements,
    • obligation to submit appropriate expert opinions regarding the construction works carried out and to provide evidence of approval for the use of specific construction products and devices.
  2. Require (from the site manager/works manager) to make corrections or re-execute incorrectly performed works correctly.
  3. Demand suspension of construction works if their continuation could cause threats or if their performance would lead to non-compliance with the design or building permit.


For most Investors, controlling an investment is a new experience. In some cases (eg more complex investments) it is particularly difficult. The reason for the willingness to delegate work coordination to the investment supervision inspector is often not the lack of skills/experience (although sometimes it is), but most often the lack of time in the face of everyday duties, which are often the basis of the company's profitability.

There are cases where the authority granting the building permit obliges the Investor to appoint an investor's supervision inspector. However, even without being obligated by the Authority, it pays to commission supervision to a supervisory inspector who would act on behalf of the Investor. This is especially advantageous when the site manager is the contractor's representative. In this case, thanks to the supervision inspector, we can control the quality of the works performed and the construction materials used; in addition, monitor compliance with the provisions of the project, applicable regulations, standards, and building permits.


The work of investor's supervision inspectors serves to discipline the contractor at the construction site.

We offer investor supervision by engineers with appropriate professional qualifications and licenses.

The price offer is always determined individually and depends on the size of the investment, investment dates and the agreed scope of work.

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The material is for information purposes only and is not an interpretation of the law. Due to possible changes in applicable law, all information provided should be verified and checked for validity.

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We are available from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00.