Electromagnetic field measurements! Do you want to know whether the obligation to perform EM-field measurements applies to you and your company? You don't know what the legal regulations are in this area? Do you want to consult or order measurements of the electromagnetic field? You've come to the right place ☺ - Trust Ekomeritum specialists! We will answer every question and you will be able to run your business with peace of mind.
measurements of electromagnetic fields

What is an electromagnetic field?

The development of civilization has made each of us, more or less consciously, exposed to the influence of an increasing number of devices emitting electromagnetic fields. Practically in every household, workplace or public buildings, we expose ourselves to radiation exposure from Wi-Fi networks, not to mention mobile phones or other devices. No one is surprised to see antennas, masts and high-voltage lines at almost every turn. Moreover, the implemented 5G technology requires "densification" of transmitters in space. 

At the same time, we must know that many devices powered by electricity produce an EM-field. Whether intentional or incidental, more emitting devices electromagnetic field means greater intensity of electromagnetic radiation affecting the environment and the human being as an individual!

Measurements of the EM-field emitted to the environment. What devices and installations emit electromagnetic fields?

Electromagnetic field in general environment is emitted mainly by devices in the telecommunications industry, including:

Measurements (electromagnetic field) of the EM field emitted to the environment.

Who should commission measurements of the electromagnetic field emitted to the environment? When is it mandatory to measure the electromagnetic field emitted to the environment? Who should the EMF test report be sent to?

The operator of the installation and the user of the device generating electromagnetic fields are obliged to measure the levels of electromagnetic fields in the environment for such installations as:

– power substations or overhead power lines 

(emitting electromagnetic fields, whose rated voltage is not lower than 110 kV),

– radiocommunication, radionavigation and radiolocation installations, the equivalent isotropic radiation power of which is not less than 15 W 

and emitting electromagnetic fields with a frequency of 30 kHz to 300.

measurements of electromagnetic fields

EM-field measurements to the environment should be made:

  1. just before starting to use the device or installation,
  2. in the event of any change in the operating conditions of the device or installation, e.g. changes to their equipment (if these changes may affect the level of electromagnetic field emissions from these devices and/or installations),
  3. each time there is a change in the existing state of development and development of the real estate, it causes changes in the occurrence of places available for the population around the installation or device in a situation where the last measurements showed exceeding the permissible levels. Such measurements are made at the written request of the owner or administrator of the property on which the change took place.

[Article 122a. at EPL]

EM-field measurements to the environment should be made:
1. just after starting the installation,
2. each time there is a change in the operating conditions of the installation, including changes in the installation equipment (if these changes may affect the level of electromagnetic fields from the installation).
[Detailed values ​​of permissible radiation field intensities are provided
in Reg. Ministry of the Environment on permissible levels of electromagnetic fields
in the environment and how to verify compliance with these levels.]

Pursuant to the regulation, the permissible levels of electromagnetic fields have been set for "areas intended for residential development" and "places accessible to the public", and in the latter case they refer to various field frequency ranges up to 300GHz.

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Electromagnetic field measurements. - Who conducts control tests of electromagnetic fields emitted to the environment?

Periodic tests of the levels of electromagnetic fields in the environment, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, are carried out by the Chief Inspector of Environmental Protection. They are carried out by the Voivodship Inspector for Environmental Protection. [Art. 123 at the EPL] [Reg. of the Minister of the Environment on the scope and manner of conducting periodic tests of the levels of electromagnetic fields in the environment]

Measurements of the electromagnetic field for health and safety purposes (measurements of the electromagnetic field in the working environment).

At what workplaces should measurements of the electromagnetic field be performed? How often should measurements be taken at the workplace?

In the workplace, employees, and in particular employees of certain industries (eg medicine, rehabilitation) are also exposed to electromagnetic fields, and health and safety regulations have defined the intensity values ​​in which employees are allowed to stay.

First of all, employees who are exposed to electromagnetic fields with an intensity higher than the permissible ones must undergo appropriate training on the principles of safe work in electromagnetic fields and should undergo specialized periodic medical examinations.

EM-field measurements should be made:

min. once every two years - when during the last measurement only the intermediate zone was found at the place of work;

min. once a year - when during the last measurement it was found that there is also a hazard zone or a hazard zone and a danger zone at the place of work.

If during the last two EM-field measurements, carried out two years apart, no protection zones were found in the places where work is performed, the employer may refrain from taking measurements. 

[§ 11 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Health on tests and measurements of factors harmful to health in the work environment]

sources that emit an electromagnetic field

Other sources of EM fields are devices and installations: related to mobile telephony, radio and television broadcasting systems, electric vehicles, magnetic resonance devices, industrial devices related to magnetization and demagnetization, industrial furnaces, heaters and dryers, military systems and devices (including radar), various types of spectrometers.

[Appendix 1. Ordinance of the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy on occupational health and safety at work involving exposure to electromagnetic fields]

The implementation of the 5G network forced a revision of the current approach and the development of new methods for determining electromagnetic fields in Poland and in the world.

The subject of EM-field is evolving, so if you have any questions or concerns, don't worry - we're evolving too 

The material is for information purposes only and is not an interpretation of the law. Due to possible changes in applicable law, all information provided should be verified and checked for validity.

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