Measurements of gas and dust emissions into the air

You are applying for a permit for emission gases and dust to the air or an integrated permit? Or maybe you want to know if your installations or devices do they not exceed permissible emission standards? Execute measurement of gas and dust emissions into the air with the EkoMeritum Group and obtain reliable data.

Measurements of gas and dust emissions into the air they can serve various purposes. In certain situations, their results should simply be submitted to the Office if measurements were requiredne. Sometimes a report on the measurement results must be attached to applications for emission permits gases or dust into the air or permits integrated, and sometimes even to report gas and dust emissions.

Measurements of gas and dust emissions

Most installation operators are obliged to conduct periodic measurements of emissions, and in the case of emissions of significant amounts of substances or energy into the environment, to conduct continuous measurements.  

The obtained results, which are the result of previously carried out measurements/research, make it possible to determine whether the concentration of pollutants/levels of emitted gases and dust are within specific standards imposed by applicable environmental protection law.

Measurements of emissions of volatile organic compounds into the air should be carried out for installations that are subject to VOC (volatile organic compounds) emission standards.

Exceeding the emission permit conditions may result in suspension of use of the installation.

If the emission of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) or other substances exceeds the established emission standards or limit values, the competent authority may suspend the use of the installation, and in the case of an integrated permit, this exceedance results in the obligatory suspension of the installation by the Provincial Environmental Protection Inspector (WIOŚ).

If the permit conditions are exceeded (including exceeding emission standards), the operator of the installation will be subject to administrative fines and may receive a fine.

Lack of a permit results in increased environmental use fees by 500% for releasing substances into the air (i.e. emissions of gases and dust into the air) to the extent that the entity should have such a permit.

That is why regular measurements of gas and dust emissions into the atmosphere performed by laboratories are so important for the continuity of operation of the installations, devices and combustion sources used.

measurements of gas and dust emissions

At EkoMeritum we offer accredited measurements of air emissions of gaseous and dust pollutants emitted into the environment along with accredited sampling. We perform measurements and tests throughout the country.

The result of the service is a report delivered to the client. The laboratory has measurement experience, thanks to which the commissioned work is performed reliably and complies with legal requirements. We offer both initial and periodic measurements.

Do you want to benefit from expert support in... scope of emission measurements specified pollution? You are applying for a permit for introduction of gases or dust do air? Or maybe the administrative procedure regarding... integrated permit? Contact us and you will receive the help you need.

Emission measurements are regulated by the Environmental Protection Law. What are the types of measurements in the field of gas and dust emissions into the air?

gas and dust emissions

According to records Environmental Protection Law, two basic types can be distinguished emission measurements gases and dust do air.

Initial measurements should be carried out immediately after the completion of the installation start-up or start-up of the device within 14 days from the end of the installation start-up, unless the permit issuing authority indicated a different date in the decision. (Art. 147. EPL)

Periodic measurementsthe scope and frequency of which are usually quoted in the decision received from the authority, usually result from applicable legal acts. The plant operating without the obtained decision should also be interested in periodic measurements, because the obligation to perform them results directly from the applicable legal acts.
1) REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF THE ENVIRONMENT on the requirements for the measurement of emissions and measurements of the amount of water taken.
2) REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF THE ENVIRONMENT on the requirements for the measurement of emissions and measurements of the amount of water taken.

Both types of measurements are a very useful source of information. The results of measurements and tests often support specialists in the preparation of documentation, e.g. notifications of gas and dust emissions into the air, studies carried out in order to apply for gas and dust emission permits into the air and for release integrated permit.

No matter what measurements of pollutant emissions into the air you want to perform the measurement itself and sampling it is worth entrusting it to specialists. Then you can be sure that the results are reliable. At EkoMeritum, we make sure that concentration measurement gases and dust fulfilled requirements defined regulation. The data obtained in this way may supplement the company's data reports, emission notifications or conclusions o emission permits.

Measurements of pollutant emissions. Types of measurements performed by Ekomeritum

Depending on the type emitted to air substance we offer the following types of measurements:

Not sure what types of substances to test to comply with the law? We will dispel your doubts by providing reliable and up-to-date information information w regarding requirements environmental requirements you must meet. Thanks to this, applying for emission permit (introduction) of gases and dust do atmosphere or for an integrated permit or emission notification pollution may prove easier. 

We always try to ensure that our documentation is complete, i.e. it does not contain any formal or substantive deficiencies. For this purpose, we present a list of necessary materials (documents and information) for the preparation of documentation, which are then provided to us by the Investor or Designer. Sometimes carrying out measurements and then presenting a report on them (as an attachment to the documentation) is more convincing for the authority considering the application than presenting data obtained on the basis of calculations.

Our company's offer regarding the measurement of dust and gas emissions includes:

As part of the services provided, we offer research based on specific measurement methodologies, sometimes we assess the correctness of the location of measurement stations and indicate possible threats to employees, then we perform the measurement emissions for various working conditions planned by the Company installation. Thanks to this, we provide the client with reliable emission results/concentrations pollution.

Emission measurements - Other services related to the measurement of gas and dust emissions into the air.

Our actions they focus not only on sampling or measurement. We offer a range of supplementary services related to the emission of dust and gas pollutants and industrial ventilation, including:

Measurements of gas and dust emissions into the air. What should the measuring station look like to efficiently perform measurements?

The measuring station should be equipped with an appropriate number of measuring connectors that meet the PN-Z-04030-7:1994 standard. The number of measurement profiles depends on the shape and size of the cross-section of the pipe discharging gases and dust to the atmosphere. The type of the stub, i.e. its shape (with or without a flange) depends on the shape and material of which the gas and dust discharge duct is made. The material from which the connector is made (galvanized steel or acid-proof steel) depends on the types of reactivity of the substances contained in the exhaust gases and their temperature.

Measuring points should be prepared in accordance with the standard, which means that they should allow screwing in a probe with a thread in accordance with the standard. Execution of connectors not in accordance with the standard may make it impossible to perform the measurement and expose the company to incurring additional costs related to the senseless travel of the measuring team to the measurement site.

What is the measurement of gas emissions?

Another important aspect is the preparation of the conditions for access to stub pipes by providing access to the measurement site for the measurement team. It is most convenient and safest to prepare the measurement site in such a way that it allows the measurement to be taken from a standing position, from the hall floor, from the ground, from the roof, from the platform, or in special cases, to provide a lift enabling free access to the measuring stubs. Such a lift is provided by the Ordering Party on the measurement day.

Proximity to electricity is also important. If there is no such access to electricity in the vicinity of the measuring station, it should be agreed with the laboratory who will provide a sufficiently long extension cord or a power generator on the day of the measurement.

Measuring overlay. In what case is there a need to adjust the emitter to the conditions necessary during the measurement?

There are situations that the measurement stand does not meet the standards. The length of the straight section of the pipe supplying gases and dusts from the process (from the installation or device) on the section behind the purification device is insufficient in relation to its diameter. In this case, it happens that it is possible to perform a full-fledged measurement, but more often it is necessary to install a measuring overlay. Properly made measuring overlay enables measurement in accordance with the standard and accreditation.

Measuring overlay. Is it a permanent element of the roof or a temporary one?

Emitter cover

Keep in mind that measurement overlay installed only for the time of measurement.
Imposing it permanently and not fixing it exposes the plant to liability in the event of a strong gust of wind for blowing the overlay off the roof of the buildings. Such a falling overlay can lead to misfortune.

On the other hand, installing the overlay permanently changes the conditions for the discharge of gases and dust into the air. It constitutes a change in the system for discharging gases and dust into the air (change in the height and diameter of the emitter's outlet), which generates the need to update the permit for the emission of gases and dust into the air.

Thus, the simplest solution is to mount the overlay only for the time of measurement and remove it right after, moving it to a place where it will be stored until the next measurement.

Contact us! - Trust our specialists!
We are available from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00.

Measurements of gaseous and dust pollutant emissions into the air. Measuring points

Before the measurement team arrives for the measurement, it should be specified whether all emitters (i.e. ducts emitting gases and dust) have appropriate number of connectors. If they are not available, you can order connectors and weld them in yourself or order connectors with assembly. The type of connectors suitable for installation depends on the substance and temperature in the contaminant discharge duct.

Ekomeritum offers both the same connectors, as well as connectors with the service of their assembly.

Measurements of gas and dust emissions into the air. How to plan measurements? How to prepare the scope of the inquiry? How to plan the conduct of processes on measurement days in the plant to enable efficient testing?

At the outset, it is necessary to determine on which specific emitters we want to order the measurement, what substances and parameters we want to measure on each emitter. It is also important for the laboratory to specify the address at which it is to carry out the measurements.

By specifying the range of the number of emitters and the range of parameters and substances needed to perform the measurement on each emitter, the laboratory is able to present not only the price, but also the number of hours or days that will be needed to perform the measurements and plan to bring the appropriate equipment, reagents and test tubes for collecting and storing samples. If there are more emitters, one should take into account the costs of not only travel, but also accommodation, which the contractor will have to include in the price.

An important aspect is also planning the operation of the processes in the plant on the measurement days in such a way that the measurement team has the opportunity to perform the planned scope of measurements during the planned stay at the plant. Failure to ensure the conduct of processes by the plant during the scheduled date of the visit of the measurement team will expose the plant to the need to incur additional costs related to the re-arrival of the measurement team to complete the measurements that have not been made before.

If there are restrictions on the movement of vehicles at the plant, it is necessary to prepare passes for the laboratory vehicle in advance, because often the team takes a lot of equipment. It is easier and faster to replace equipment from a nearby vehicle than to carry it over long distances.

measurements of gas and dust emissions

Dioxins and furans

We offer the determination of dioxins and furans (polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans) as well as PCBs with similar and dissimilar effects to dioxins (DL-PCB and NDL-PCB), e.g. in industrial emissions or technical products.
Our offer also includes periodic and acceptance measurements, measurements checking the effectiveness of air protection devices (AST and QAL2) and measurements of the PRTR system.
Control measurements - periodic are performed min. 2 times a year.
Control measurements of continuous monitoring systems are carried out in accordance with the AST (once a year) and QAL1 (once every 2-2 years) procedures.

For companies required to carry out periodic measurements.
 Periodic measurements are made for:
  • fuel combustion processes (total dust, PM 10, PM 2.5, NOx, SO2, CO),
  • technological processes,
  • waste incineration and co-incineration processes (heavy metals, dioxins, furans, PAHs, HCl, HF).

For companies obliged to carry out continuous monitoring:

 Control and calibration measurements of AMS continuous monitoring systems:

  • Annual Performance Check - The AST procedure allows you to assess how continuous monitoring (AMS) measured values ​​meet the conditions for correct and valid system operation and whether the calibration and variability process is still valid.

 Calibration measurements - QAL2 procedure:

  • Performing parallel measurements in relation to the automatic system of continuous air emissions measurements, for all monitored quantities (dust and gaseous substances) covered by the system, on the indicated emitter. 

gas emissions permit

Performing the AST and QAL2 procedures is possible after performing a functional test confirming the efficiency and availability of the installation for measurements.
 The annual Performance Check of the continuous monitoring as well as the control and calibration of the AMS system must be preceded by the user checking the functionality of the ASM system in accordance with Annex A of the PN-EN 14181:2010 standard.


We offer tests of radon content in the air (in the air at home, office, workplace, etc.).

Radon (222Rn) is a radioactive gas that occurs naturally in nature.

It is formed as a result of the decay of Radium (226Ra), a natural radioactive element that is a component of the earth's crust.

Radon is a noble gas, heavier than air, invisible, odorless and tasteless. High concentrations of radon are harmful to health.

Radon derivatives present in the air penetrate the respiratory system and pose a risk of developing cancerous diseases of the respiratory system (including lung cancer).

Radon determination

In a given building/plant, dosimeters are placed in different points - this results in a different number of samples and, consequently, an individually determined rate. For more information or a quote for a given service, please contact our office.

The test consists in placing a passive dosimeter in the right place for a certain period of time (from 1 to 3 months), into which gaseous Radon penetrates. After the exposure period, the dosimeter is sent back to the laboratory, where the reading is made, and on its basis the density is calculated, which makes it possible to determine the average annual radon concentration in the tested room (Bq/m3).

If the result is above the limit, then action can be taken - increase the ventilation capacity, paint the walls, etc. 

We direct our offer to down:
  • companies obliged to perform measurements at workplaces,


  • large foreign companies with offices in Poland, which routinely test radon in the workplace,


  • property managers who act for the above-mentioned, developers,


  • laboratories that deal with air quality testing,


  • companies producing building materials.
EU Directive

In February 2018, the EU directive enters into force, which introduces an obligation in member states to monitor radon content in the air. Poland also has to adapt to these regulations. 

 The material is for information purposes only and is not an interpretation of the law. Due to possible changes in applicable law, all information provided should be verified and checked for validity.

Contact us! - Trust our specialists!
We are available from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00.