Water intake risk analysis and intake protection zone! Are you wondering whether you need water intake risk analysis documentation? You don't know which body approves the documentation or what attachments will be needed to attach to the application? Trust the specialists of the Ekomeritum Group - we will talk, explain the issue, and you will decide what to do next!

groundwater intake risk analysis

What is the purpose of risk analysis for water intakes?

The aim is to identify potential threats that may adversely affect the intake waters, e.g. cause their contamination. In addition, the purpose of the intake risk analysis is to determine the current state of the soil and water environment within the zone of water inflow to the intake.

What is a capture risk analysis?

The risk analysis makes it possible to determine the protection zone of the intake. The protection zone of the intake should include the area of ​​direct protection and the area of ​​indirect protection of the intake [Art. 133 sec. 3 at PW]. The risk analysis mainly includes the assessment of health hazards of factors negatively affecting the quality of the intake water.

Who is obliged to analyze the risk of capture?

It is obliged to analyze the recognition risk shot ownerwhich performs tasks in the field of the so-called collective water supply. He has got responsibility  conducting a risk analysis i submitting it to the governor.

According to the provisions of the Water Law Act

water intake protection zone in the scope of:

only direct protection area determines authority of the Polish Waters in the form of a decision;

  • water intake protection zone including:

only direct protection area

ð specifies authority of the Polish Waters in the form of a decision;

  • water intake protection zone including:

both direct protection area           

and intermediate protection area

ð establishes Governor by way of a local law.

An exception not subject to the obligation to designate an area of ​​direct protection are water intakes used for ordinary use of water [Art. 121 u PW] - serving the needs of one's own household or own farm by abstracting groundwater or surface water in an annual average amount not exceeding 5 m3/d [Art. 33 at PW];

Each local government body in Poland or a municipal company that performs activities in the field of water and sewage services should conduct a risk analysis for all water intakes used.

In addition, the Act specifies the indications according to which entities other than those mentioned above are subject to the obligation to submit an analysis of the risk of recognition.

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What is subject to the obligation to submit a capture risk analysis?

A risk analysis is prepared for:

capture risk analysis

By when should the risk analysis be performed?

IMPORTANT!!! – Pursuant to the Act of May 14.05, 2020 "on amending certain acts in the field of protective measures - in connection with the spread of the "SARS-CoV-2" virus through Art. 32. The following changes have been introduced.

Article 551 sec. 2 of the Water Law Act received a new wording in 2020:

"2. Owners water intakes, which not established protection zone covering the protection area intermediate based on Article. 58 sec. 1 of the Act repealed in Art. 573, within 5 years from the date of entry into force of the Act, they will carry out the risk analysis referred to in Art. 133 sec. 3, and submit applications for the establishment of protection zones covering direct protection area and intermediate protection areaif justified by the results of this analysis.”;

What happens when the water intake owner fails to comply?

If the risk analysis is not submitted, the voivode has the right to request the owner of the intake to submit this risk analysis within 30 days from the delivery of the request.

If, after analyzing the water intake risk analysis, it is justified to establish a protection zone covering the area of ​​direct protection and the area of ​​indirect protection, the voivode is obliged to call on the owner of the water intake to submit hydrogeological or hydrological documentation within 30 days from the date of delivery of the request. 

What is the expiry date of the risk analysis?

The risk analysis should be updated at least every 10 years, and for water intakes supplying less than 1000 m3 of water per year at least every 20 years.

Who is competent to perform the risk analysis? Who should carry out the risk analysis?

Preparation of documentation in the field of risk analysis should be entrusted to an experienced specialist, preferably with references in the field of studies related to water management.

water management studies

The material is for information purposes only and is not an interpretation of the law. Due to possible changes in applicable law, all information provided should be verified and checked for validity.

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We are available from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00.