Simulation of emitted pollutants

The simulation in our company is carried out on the Operat-FB package. It consists in carrying out calculations of the spread of pollutants emitted by the plant in the atmospheric air coming from point, surface and line sources.

The group of Ekomeritum specialists supports both production plants as well as institutions and other types of entities in performing modelling of gas and dust emissions into the air.

simulation of gas emissions into the air

The simulation is preceded by the analysis of input data by specialists through:

gas emissions into the air
Calculations in the Operat FB package are carried out in accordance with the methodology contained in the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of January 26, 2010 on reference values. The Operat-FB package is certified by the Institute of Environmental Protection in Warsaw, No. BA/147/96.


The visualization of the results consists in presenting the calculation results in tabular and graphical form.

Elaboration in descriptive form

The study consists in describing in the documentation prepared by the specialist:

  • operation of the plant,
  • processes causing gas and dust emissions into the air,
  • including tables and graphic drawings in the content of the documentation or as appendices thereto,
  • analyzing the results and drawing conclusions based on the obtained simulation results in comparison with the relevant values ​​from the regulations.

Necessary documents are attached to the study in the form of attachments.

The material is for information purposes only and is not an interpretation of the law. Due to possible changes in applicable law, all information provided should be verified and checked for validity.

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