The purpose of the geotechnical opinion is to specify the geotechnical category of the object in relation to the expected degree of complexity of the ground conditions and to determine the range (range) of necessary geotechnical research in the area of the planned construction investment. The geotechnical opinion usually includes a descriptive part and a graphic part.
The descriptive part - should contain information about the groundwater level, description of individual layers of soil with the specified depth of their deposition and thickness as well as density, plasticity, moisture, density and cohesion.
The graphic part - should contain a documentation map and a map of the location of the area, cross-sections, as well as geotechnical profiles, explanations of symbols and signs used on the cross-sections.
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The legal basis for the preparation of geotechnical opinions is the Regulation of the Minister on determining the geotechnical conditions for the foundation of buildings. This regulation obliges to perform geotechnical opinions for building structures. (Geotechnical categories - § 4. of the above-mentioned regulation.)
The geotechnical category is determined in a geotechnical opinion depending on the complexity of the ground conditions and the structure of the building. These data allow us to determine the characteristics of the ability to transfer deformations and vibrations, the degree of complexity of impacts, the degree of threat to life and property due to a structure failure, as well as the historic or technical value of a building and the possibility of a relatively significant impact of this facility on the environment.
§ 7.
1. For buildings of all geotechnical categories, a geotechnical opinion is prepared.
2. In the case of construction works of the second and third geotechnical category, documentation of the subsoil tests and a geotechnical project shall be additionally developed.
3. In the case of construction objects of the third geotechnical category and in complex ground conditions of the second category, geological and engineering documentation is additionally prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Geological and Mining Law (ORDERING OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY on determining the geotechnical conditions for the foundation of building objects).
The material is for information purposes only and is not an interpretation of the law. Due to possible changes in applicable law, all information provided should be verified and checked for validity.