There are different types of wildlife inventory. The most common are inventories of flora and fauna and inventories of trees and shrubs. Both types are attached to applications for decisions on environmental conditions. They are a kind of inventory of the greenery located on the investment plot before the project is carried out. They provide an overview and an opportunity to analyze the decision-making authority whether a given investment will have a negative impact on the environment.
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Inventory of trees and shrubs, so-called “Green inventory” is usually prepared for removal request trees or replanting trees and shrubs before carrying out the investment. The reason is most often the collision of the existing greenery with the planned buildings. It is carried out in the period when the project of development of the investment area is prepared by architects. At this time, documentation is usually prepared for obtaining a decision on environmental conditions, provided that the investment is subject to the Investor's obligation to have it.
An inventory of trees and shrubs may prove necessary at the stage of issuing an environmental decision, if we change the location of greenery on the plot or want to get rid of certain plants, and this requires their replanting or replacement planting. For this purpose, a planting project is made.
Greenery inventory, or dendrological inventory, is carried out to specify the number and type of trees or shrubs, indicate their distribution in the investment area and determine the dendrometric parameters, i.e. the crown range, height, trunk circumference, area occupied by the shrub, as well as comments on the health condition of the inventoried plants.
The results of field work are recorded in a descriptive, tabular and graphical form. The report also consists of a descriptive part, a tabular part and a graphical part.
Dendrological inventory. To obtain what next decisions is an inventory of trees and shrubs necessary? Inventory documentation is needed to obtain the following decisions and other activities such as:
Dendrological inventory. What determines the time of making an inventory of trees and shrubs?
The duration of the service called green inventory varies from a few to several dozen days, depending on the quantitative scope of recorded shrubs and trees in a given area and the extent (size) of the area subject to inventory.
Natural inventory. Why is it necessary to carry out an inventory of flora and fauna?
The inventory of flora and fauna is usually carried out according to the specific requirements of the authority issuing the decision on environmental conditions. This documentation is created as a result of receiving a decision on the need to perform of the Investment Impact Report on the Environment for the Investment for which the Investor previously performed Project Information Sheet. In the decision, the Authority specifies which aspects of the inventory should be described in more detail. They will form the main part of the inventory. The specific requirements of the authority usually result from its knowledge regarding the high probability of occurrence of specific species or types of flora and fauna in the area where the investment plots in question are located. Investment plots may also be crossed by migration routes, nesting/breeding routes of animals inhabiting the surrounding valuable natural areas, such as nature reserves, landscape parks or national parks. The natural inventory of flora and fauna, if required by the authority, is an attachment to the Environmental Impact Report of the planned investment.
The natural inventory is understood as a spectrum of field research carried out in order to describe the elements of the natural environment. The report should also contain information about the applied methodology.
There are no regulations specifying who can perform this type of service. The performance of the "environmental inventory" service, due to the complexity of the scope of the issue, requires knowledge and experience, which is why it should be outsourced to a specialist. Allocating appropriate funds by the Investor for the preparation of the study by specialists may reduce the quantity of the need for explanations or supplementary works (which may be imposed by RDOŚ), and as a result prevent the extension of the application examination procedure by the office. After all, the most important thing for the investor is the date of obtaining the environmental decision and the speed of project implementation.
Natural inventories should be conducted for a period covering all life cycles of the studied groups of animals and plants, e.g. migration, reproduction and others.
It is assumed that the period of conducting natural inventories should cover the period from the end of March to August.
Inventories usually cover various systematic groups of organisms. A part of such research is the inventory of natural habitats.
Collecting data during the natural inventory is usually divided into several stages. The first is to familiarize yourself with the research area, i.e. the place for the investment, i.e. a site visit. Literature data are helpful during inventory work, but they should not be taken into account as the only ones, because they are most often outdated and do not correspond to the investment area.
Conducting field observations for inventory purposes usually requires several visits by a specialist or a group of specialists in the area designated for the planned investment. The research covers not only the area that will be directly developed by the investment, but also the adjacent area affected by the investment. The area (in other words, the zone) of impact depends largely on the type of investment and can be several hundred meters, and in other cases up to several kilometers.
The cost of the service is determined individually depending on the type of investment and its extent. The research covers the area intended for the investment along with its impact zone. Obtaining data for the inventory is associated with the physical presence of specialists in the area intended for the investment, and sometimes also in the area of its impact. Therefore, the costs increase with the increase in the area designated for the planned investment.
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