VOC reduction - Ekomeritum


Reduction of volatile organic compounds

Volatile organic compounds are also known as VOCs - a group of organic compounds that are by-products of industrial processes that pose a threat to the natural environment.

Due to the harmfulness of these substances, standards restricting them have been applied in Poland emission to the environment by defining the maximum permissible VOC content and emission standards.

We offer you:

  1. control tests for VOC installations,
  2. emission modelling,
  3. methods of air purification by reducing VOCs.
VOC reduction

The problem of VOC reduction can affect many industrial plants, e.g.:

The most commonly used methods

The most frequently used methods include catalytic boosters that clean the air of volatile organic compounds through the energy generated during their combustion.

Absorbers with a bed of activated carbon or zeolites are also used.

Installations can occur in various layouts and variants. The construction of the installations we propose depends, among others, on: on such factors as the operating time of the emission source, the volume of polluted air streams and the concentration of volatile organic compounds.

VOC reducers are in demand in every industry enabling reducing environmental impact various types of industrial installations.

 The material is for information purposes only and is not an interpretation of the law. Due to possible changes in applicable law, all information provided should be verified and checked for validity.