You are applying for a decision about... environmental conditions and you need KIP - project information card? In the EkoMeritum Group, we will prepare it for you, so as to avoid formal and substantive deficiencies. Trust our experience, so as not to prolong the proceedings unnecessarily.
Project information sheet (so-called KIP) - documentation containing a description made on the basis of the spatial development plan of the investment and the investor's assumptions. Submitting it to the authority together with the necessary attachments enables the administrative procedure to be carried out in the scope of examining the application for decision on environmental conditions. This, in turn, is often a gateway to later obtaining a building permit.
The lack of the Project Information Card or its incompleteness results in the extension of the proceedings by issuing a decision on environmental conditions consent to implementation of the project, which delays the entire investment process. The better it is developed, the greater the chances that the Authority will not request its supplementation. Therefore, it is worth entrusting its preparation to experts. Group
At EkoMeritum we offer preparation of KIP, we support the Investor during the administrative procedure of examining the application for a decision by providing explanations and supplements to letters received from the authority based on the arrangements made with the Principal and documents received from the Investor.
You are overwhelmed by the preparation of documents to attach to the application issuing an environmental decision? Contact us. Not only will we make sure that... Project Information Card there is no shortage of required data, but we will also help in completing the remaining attachments to the application.
Project Information Card (commonly referred to as the information card) is the most frequently prepared type of documentation in order to obtain a decision on environmental conditions.
The project information sheet is prepared for projects classified as that could potentially have a significant impact on the environment. It should contain a number of information, including: expected number of entries to the substance environment, types of waste generated or solutions that protect the environment.
The application is submitted to organ appropriate for the location of the investment.
The application, the main element of which is the Project Information Sheet (usually submitted to the Office in 4 copies), is additionally accompanied by a cadastral map covering the area of the project and the area it will affect; excerpt and excerpt from the Local Spatial Development Plan, if adopted, and excerpts from the land register for the investment area and areas directly adjacent to it. Documents that may (but do not have to) be needed are: inventory of trees and shrubs and geotechnical opinion. The investor provides them in the event of such a need.
You don't know what documents except Project Information Card should be included in the application for issuing an environmental decision conditions in connection with planned project? Contact us. We will tell you what you need in regarding possible projects potentially or always have a significant impact on the environment, and what in the case of other projects.
The scope of the project is always determined by the Investor. Nevertheless, the most frequent inquiries in the recent period include projects concerning housing development, mainly the construction of housing estates. The scope here also often includes garages and car parks.
Equally often investments are made in industry. Most often, these are projects related to the construction and expansion of production plants with storage facilities and accompanying infrastructure. We can also mention here sewage treatment installations, collection of scrap and waste requiring collection waste collection permitsrelated installations waste processing.
Every now and then we encounter the need to perform drillings for water supply and the construction of devices or their assemblies enabling the abstraction of groundwater with a water abstraction capacity exceeding 10 m3 for an hour;
Virtually all industries are encountered in the inquiries. Among them, inquiries about the provision of services related to installations for food production and processing, mixing, emulsifying or packaging of semi-finished products and chemical products are slightly more frequent; construction of roads and tram lines.
Regardless of whether you are planning to build construction facility, whether you want to make another investment and need it Project Information Card, you can count on our support. We have extensive experience in preparing KIP for various types of projects, including development investments, public utility facilities, warehouses or production plants. Therefore, you can be sure that it will be prepared reliably.
Information Cards are most often submitted to the commune head, mayor, city president, starost and the Regional Director for Environmental Protection.
Other authorities competent to submit applications for decisions on environmental conditions are: the director of the regional directorate of the State Forests competent for the location of the investment, and in the case of investments of a national scale, investments of greater importance, strategic or located in closed and marine areas, the General Director for Environmental Protection.
Project information sheeta is also rarely used, but it is used when there is uncertainty as to whether a given, specific investment is subject to the obligation to have a decision on environmental conditions.
Some investors, in order to make sure whether the investment really belongs to the projects that may potentially have a significant impact on the environment, submit the Project Information Sheets to the Office in the form of an inquiry. Such proceedings are intended to clarify doubts as to whether the investor should have a decision on environmental conditions or whether it will not be necessary.
In the case of sending to the Office the development of the Project Information Card regarding the Investment which does not require a decision on environmental conditions, the Investor receives in writing from the Authority notification of the lack of qualification of the project to obtain a decision on environmental conditions. A copy of this notification may be used by the Investor by attaching to the application for another decision of a different type, "dispelling doubts" of another Authority as to the need to have a decision on environmental conditions for the investment. In this way, it avoids inquiries from another authority to submit information whether an environmental decision is needed, which makes it possible to avoid pointless prolongation of the procedure.
Pursuant to Art. 62a of the Act of October 3, 2008 on sharing information on the environment and its protection, participation society in environmental protection and Fr. impact assessments on the environment, the KIP must include various data regarding the investment. What exactly?
Project information sheet is a document containing basic information about the planned project, and more specifically about the type and location of the project, its area, technology, possible variants of the project, the expected amount of raw materials and utilities to be used, the substances expected to be released into the environment, energy consumption, as well as about solutions to protect the environment. The documentation should also include information on the building structures, information on how they are used, and on the vegetation cover of the entire property planned for the investment.
In the text Project information sheet there should be descriptions not only of the investment itself, but also of installations, processes and devices in the context emissions of gases and dust into the air, waste management on the investment site, e.g. in terms of produced i processed waste, water and sewage management, noise emission and impacts on neighboring areas, distances and possible impacts of the project on protected areas located nearby.
If the investment is located in the vicinity of the border, the information sheet of the project should also contain a description of the possible transboundary impact on the environment.
Preparation of the Project Information Card, which will contain complete data, including information about possible variants of the project, application of environmental protection solutions or possible cross-border impact of the project, is extremely demanding. Therefore, it is better to let specialists handle it. At EkoMeritum, we know the legal nuances in... nature conservation and we are able to prepare a reliable study.
We know from experience that when deciding to commission the preparation of documentation entitled "Project information card" most of our clients make the final decision (after talking to our specialists) to prepare an EXTENDED document entitled "Information card of the project". Such a decision brings great benefits to the Investor!
The project information card in the extended version additionally includes modeling the spread of gases and dust into the air and modeling the spread of noise into the environment. Extending the information sheet with these 2 scopes often makes it possible to avoid the need to submit another document to the Authority - the Environmental Impact Assessment Report, which does not lead to the loss of time and funds for its preparation and prevents participation in subsequent administrative proceedings regarding the analysis of the project's environmental impact assessment report.
Such a decision brings measurable benefits. During the analysis of the planned investment, the Office has available from the beginning more complete data contained in the content of the Project Information Card, which often shortens the administrative procedure for examining the application due to the lack of the need to ask the Investor for a more detailed presentation of certain scopes of the project.
Most importantly, the investor at this stage has a great chance to save time and not lose funds on the preparation of further documentation. Of course, it is the Office that makes the decision and we cannot guarantee that it will not request the submission of the Report. However, according to the experience of specialists, a more precise, broader description of the project already at the stage of writing the Project Information Sheet greatly increases the chances of avoiding the need to participate in another administrative procedure of applying for a report on environmental conditions.
Don't risk it! In the case of projects that have the potential have a significant impact on the environment, Project Information Sheet it is better to perform the extended version. This saves time and costs. Contact us to get the support you need.
For the submitted Information Card of the project, the Investor may receive:
decision on environmental conditions (which is a positive decision enabling the continuation of the procedure of subsequent permits and consents leading, as a result, to the implementation of the investment);
notification of the lack of qualification of the project to obtain a decision on environmental conditions (which is positive information enabling the continuation of the procedure of subsequent permits and consents leading, as a result, to the implementation of the investment);
decision on the need to prepare the Report (which is information about the need to submit an Environmental Impact Report, i.e. documentation describing the project in more detail. The decision usually specifies the scope of information that should be included in the description and indicates the documentation/expert opinions required to be attached to the application. It happens that the office wishes to conduct an additional natural inventory (the so-called fauna and flora inventory) - which should be carried out during the full growing season and involves several visits by a naturalist to the investment site in order to making an inventory at different times during the growing season;
refusal to issue a decision on environmental conditions (being a negative decision).
If you have additional questions about the reasons, please contact our office.
Below are links to additional information about our service in the field of:Project Information Card"
The material is for information purposes only and is not an interpretation of the law. Due to possible changes in applicable law, all information provided should be verified and checked for validity.