Coat insulation analysis for asbestos content.

Tests are carried out at the request of the Ordering Party in order to:

a) inventory of asbestos-containing products

and/ or

b) in the event of a need to carry out renovation, during which it may be necessary to replace or damage insulation potentially containing asbestos.


Our offer is addressed to:

Municipal Thermal Energy Enterprises

other stakeholders and individuals.

potential buyers of buildings/plants (mainly testing for asbestos in building insulation materials)

Chemical industry plants, steel mills, cement plants,
sugar factory

The following information is required to quote an asbestos insulation test:

What is the service in a nutshell?

 The material is for information purposes only and is not an interpretation of the law. Due to possible changes in applicable law, all information provided should be verified and checked for validity.

Contact us! - Trust our specialists!
We are available from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00.