The use of mechanical ventilation itself does not require a permit. A permit is required for the emission of gases and dust discharged into the air using mechanical ventilation, provided that these processes / installations are subject to such a permit. If you have any doubts whether your issue requires a permit, we will be happy to help - please feel free to contact us at the following telephone number: 605 390 203
a document confirming the possibility of lawful production of specific types of waste by the owner to whom the decision applies, provided that it fulfills all the obligations imposed on it described in this document.
An application for a notification of an installation or an application for a permit for the emission of gases and dust into the air is submitted mainly to the County Office or the City Hall, depending on the location of the Plant. In the case of installations located in closed areas, the above applications are submitted to the Regional Director for Environmental Protection.
the cost of the water law survey is several thousand zlotys for the preparation of documentation. In addition, you should take into account the cost of obtaining maps, extracts from the land register and local zoning plan, as well as official fees related to the issuance of a decision - consideration of the application for a water law permit by the Office.

Art. 478 of the Water Law - is subject to a fine.

According to the Water Law, a pond is a water device, therefore a water law permit is required for its construction. Digging a pond to an area of ​​1000 m3 and a depth of 3 m from the natural surface of the area with an impact range not exceeding the boundaries of the area owned by the investor requires only a water law notification.
Regional Water Management Boards of Polish Waters or the Director of the Board of the Polish Waters Catchment
A pond that is isolated from the environment, pursuant to Art. 9 sec. 1 point 19 pr. is not a water device, because it does not shape water resources, nor is it used to use these resources. The above means that a water law permit for the construction of such a pond is not required. However, it requires obtaining a building permit if it exceeds 50 m2
Municipal waste is waste that is generated in connection with running a household or business - it is waste generated at home or in a business, e.g. milk packaging, food leftovers, oil used for frying, unnecessary clothes, batteries, used household appliances, etc.
Pursuant to the Act, hazardous waste is waste indicated in the waste catalog and marked with (*). Colloquially, hazardous waste can be defined as waste that, if released into the natural environment, may pose a threat to humans, animals and other forms of life.
Car oil, brake fluids, packaging contaminated with e.g. paint, oil, waste containing heavy metals and coffee e.g. batteries and accumulators, maintenance agents, medical waste e.g. needles, cotton buds
As the name suggests, this is waste generated in connection with economic activity, but it is not municipal waste.
Waste generated in connection with construction, demolition and renovation processes, waste from the metallurgical industry, glass and metal production, waste from hospitals and clinics, waste from sewage treatment plants, waste from food processing.
This means that this is waste that is generated as a result of the operation of a device and/or a set of devices and/or the operation of a structure that is not a building, e.g. an airport.
The Water Law Act contains regulations concerning cases where the undertaken/used water facility is subject to a water law permit or notification. In order to apply for formal and legal regulation of your activity in this area, you must apply to the competent territorial authority for permission or to accept the application.
the application together with the attached water-legal survey is submitted to the Regional Water Management Board of Polish Waters or the Director of the Management Board of the Polish Waters Catchment.
The Waste Act and the EPL Act indicate that the conditions for waste management by entities are outlined in the waste collection/processing permit and the waste generation permit. Permission for collection when the entrepreneur wants to collect non-self-produced waste on plot X, e.g. scrap purchase, and for processing when the entrepreneur will process waste not self-produced, e.g. food waste is processed in a biogas plant, food waste is processed in a steelworks metal waste is melted down. Production permit for an entrepreneur who has an installation from which waste generated as a result of processes taking place in it, e.g. production/repair/renovation, generates waste.
According to Art. 394 item 1, point 9 of the Water Law, construction of ponds that are not filled as part of water services, but only with rainwater, meltwater or groundwater, with an area not exceeding 1000 m2 and a depth not exceeding 3 m from the natural surface of the land, with the impact range extending beyond the boundaries of the area owned by the investor, it only requires a water law notification. If the surface of the pond is to be larger than 1000 m2, its depth is to be greater than 3 m, or it is to be filled in a way other than rainwater, meltwater or groundwater (e.g. from a well or river), then it is necessary to obtain water law permit.
is an administrative decision setting air quality standards that the company should meet (e.g. in terms of emission standards or limit values ​​- reference). The decision is issued by the office after considering the application along with the documentation attached to it. Pursuant to the Code of Administrative Procedure, the office should consider the application for a decision (permit) without undue delay within 1 month, and in particularly complicated cases, within 2 months from the date of initiation of the procedure.

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“It is a decision specifying the amounts and types of waste generated in connection with the operation of the installation, the conditions for their storage and handling.”
It is an administrative decision authorizing the specific use of water and the construction of water facilities, e.g. permits are required for the abstraction of surface and underground waters, and the discharge of sewage into waters and soil.
The types of use of the environment that predispose you to have a water permit are described in the Water Law Act. There is a distinction - certain types of use of the environment require a water law permit, other types of notification, and others do not require either a permit or a water law notification.
Regional Water Management Boards of Polish Waters or Director of the Management Board of the Polish Waters Catchment
“During the permitting procedure, there may be questions on the part of the office regarding the documentation. The form of a reply to the office is the preparation of written explanations regarding the received letter. Pursuant to the Code of Administrative Procedure, the office should consider the application for a permit without undue delay within 1 month, and in particularly complicated cases, within 2 months from the date of initiation of the procedure. It should be remembered that these deadlines do not take into account the circulation of letters from the Office to the Petitioner, the time for replying, the deadlines for suspending the proceedings by the Office. At the moment, when we are dealing with the prevailing pandemic, most cases are treated as complicated. The duration of the administrative procedure is unpredictable.”
Dusts occur in many processes, e.g. burning, concrete mixing plant, grinding, welding, cutting. In most processes, total dust is separated into PM10 and PM2,5. In addition, dusts, depending on the process specification, may contain derivatives of other substances.
Energy installations mainly for space heating; non-energy (technological) installations used to generate heat necessary for the functioning of a process (e.g. heating water and aggregates in a concrete plant)
Emission limits set on the basis of the Regulation of the Minister of Climate of September 24, 2020 on emission standards for certain types of installations, fuel combustion sources and waste incineration or co-incineration devices.
A small sealed reservoir - secured in such a way that water does not get into the ground under and next to the reservoir does not require a permit or water law notification.
Art. 476 of the Water Law - is punishable by arrest, restriction of liberty or a fine.
Art. 34 of the Wdone Law - A special use of water is the use of waters that goes beyond the common use of water and ordinary use of water
Within the scope of the Waste Act, there is no concept of waste disposal, only waste disposal. Neutralization is a process in which waste is subjected to biological, physical or chemical transformation processes in order to bring the waste to a state that does not pose a threat to human life or health and the natural environment.
Usual use of water includes the discharge of sewage into water in an amount not exceeding 5 m3 in total per day. A fee is paid for the water service, i.e. the discharge of wastewater into waters, depending on the type of substances contained in the wastewater and their quantity and type of wastewater.
Art. 389 of the Water Law stipulates that a water law permit is required for a long-term lowering of the groundwater level
Waste generation is their "production", but not intentional production, but the result of some activity.
“There is no decision authorizing the generation of waste only allowing its generation. It is a decision specifying the amounts and types of waste generated in connection with the operation of the installation, the conditions for their storage and handling.”
The water law notification is a document indicated in the Water Law Act. Adoption of the above-mentioned document by the office without any comments makes it possible to use the environment without a water law permit. Its purpose is to inform public administration authorities about planned activities related to the use of the environment. The water law notification concerns a certain category of works, works, devices that have an impact on the environment, but less than in the case of using the environment subject to the need to have a water law permit.