You intend to run a business that will generate waste and you want to apply for permission to generate waste? Take advantage of the help of our qualified experts who will properly prepare the application and ensure that it is flawless in terms of content and form.
Waste generation is one of the most common ways companies use the environment. Every business entity produces waste. Most of them store waste in order to collect an appropriate amount that is profitable to forward to the recipient, and are obliged to segregate it, keep records and report it.
Environmental law leaves no doubt. In certain cases waste producer is obliged to apply for issuance of a permit for their production. For this purpose - before starting its activity - it must submit an appropriate application to the Authority. This, in turn, should contain a number of important information regarding, among others: type of business, type of installation, amount of waste or planned date end of operation of the installation.
Don't risk it! If the application for a permit to generate waste contains formal or substantive deficiencies, as operator of the installation you will be asked to complete them. This will unnecessarily lengthen the procedure and delay the launch of the installation. However, there is an easy way to avoid this. Just entrust the preparation of the application to specialists.
Ekomeritum prepares applications for decisions on waste generation for clients. If you need a waste generation permit, please contact us. We comprehensively prepare the necessary documentation. We also provide advice on environmental protection for both projects already implemented, as well as those still planned.
There are several scopes of waste management, e.g. generation, processing, collection, transport, storage and disposal of waste. Often, waste management companies not only produce waste, but also waste they process them the / i collect. However, most waste management companies are only subject to waste generation permits.
The Ekomeritum Group prepares documentation for waste production permit applications attached to the application for a decision allowing for the above-mentioned waste management. It includes, among others: specification of types of waste intended for production, including them basic chemical composition, indication of ways reducing the amount of waste i their negative impact on the environment and even assessment of the technical condition of the installation.
(Article 3(32) of the Waste Act)
Waste generation permits are required for the generation of waste in the installation when it is generated in the following amounts:
and/ or
(Art. 180, 180 a EPL)
Dossiers are prepared in the following cases:
Permits in this scope are usually issued for a period of up to 10 years.
The exception is the inclusion of waste generation in the integrated permit, which is issued for an indefinite period, but at the request of the entity operating the installation integrated permit may be issued for a fixed period.
(Article 188 of the EPL)
It is important that there is an obligation to obtain a decision by an entity that wants to generate waste before starting the production process. An entity starting its activity on the first day of running an installation for which it is obliged to hold a decision should be able to prove that it has a previously issued waste generation permit.
The Voivodship Inspectorate for Environmental Protection, which has the right to inspect the premises of the entity generating waste, has the control function of holding the decision on waste generation.
During the inspection, it also reviews the completeness and correctness of filling in the waste register and issuing waste transfer cards. It also checks whether the waste ultimately reaches the entities and is transported by entities authorized to do so on the basis of the relevant administrative decisions held. During the visit, a representative of the Voivodship Inspection for Environmental Protection also checks the methods of waste storage and whether they are used in places where protection of possible leachates arising from waste is required.
From the correctness and completeness of the application issuing a permit for waste generation it depends on whether the administrative proceedings start without undue delay. If the Authority notices formal or substantive deficiencies, it will call operator of the installation to complete them. This will lengthen the entire procedure and make... operation of the installation will start later than the investor expected.
Application for permission to generate waste should contain a number of information, including:
To avoid delays and additional costs, prepare an application for issuing a permit for waste generation it is worth entrusting it to specialists. At EkoMeritum, we have expert knowledge and experience that allow us to create high-quality studies for various industries.
If the entity produces any combustible waste, we can talk with 99.99% certainty about the storage of combustible waste. The storage of combustible waste by the entity also generates the obligation to submit it as an attachment to the application for a permit to generate waste fire survey together with a positive decision issued on its basis by the Commander of the State Fire Service.
The problem, however, is that no regulations define the term "combustible waste"; there is also no specific list of combustible waste. Whether the waste is flammable or not is a key issue. It is important to resolve it so that we know whether the application for a waste generation permit should be accompanied by a fire safety report or not. This situation raises great doubts.
The fire protection report is a document that should contain the conditions for fire protection of the installation or facility, or its part or other waste storage site. The document should clearly indicate the places where the entity stores combustible waste. In the event that the firefighter preparing the fire protection report considers that the conditions for collecting waste are incorrect, he may suggest moving the storage locations or investing in appropriate protection of them. An example of protection may be the construction of a wall with an appropriate structure protecting against the spread of a possible fire. The second important aspect is the close access to water to extinguish a possible fire. This aspect seems trivial, but often the lack of close access to water makes it impossible to obtain a positive decision or generates additional investment costs to ensure access to water in a specific, indicated place.
The fire-fighting operation has the right to be prepared by a fire protection expert, a fire engineer or a person with a university degree at the Main School of Fire Service with a specialization in Fire Safety Engineering. The choice of the rank of specialist depends on who issues the decision on waste generation: the Marshal of the Voivodship or the Starost.
Video monitoring is carried out around the clock with the use of devices that ensure image recording and identification of people staying in the place where combustible waste is stored. The image recording should be protected against unauthorized access, loss and should be stored for one month from the date of recording.
He has the right to control Voivodship Inspector of Environmental Protection.
Entities that do not meet their obligations to have the appropriate decisions during VIEP inspections will receive post-inspection ordinances that will impose an obligation to regulate the formal and legal status.
Waste can be stored if necessary, and it results from technological processes or organizational conditions. However, the maximum storage periods are strictly defined and cannot exceed:
in 1 – in the case of storage:
a.) hazardous waste
b.) combustible waste
c.) unsorted (mixed) municipal waste
d.) waste from the processing of municipal waste;
3 years – in the case of storage of other waste.
Waste that is ultimately to be landfilled may be stored only and exclusively in order to collect the appropriate amount of waste that will allow it to be transported to a landfill, but not longer than for 1 year.
The storage periods of 1 and 3 years indicated above are calculated jointly for all subsequent holders of this waste.
(Art. 25 par. 4, 4a, 5, 6, 6a of the Waste Act)
Our clients are entities representing various industries - not only production plants, but also commercial and service companies. We also prepare documentation for state administration bodies, both central and local government, developers and administrators of facilities and other institutions. We prepare documentation together with the content of applications for installations located throughout Poland.
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The material is for information purposes only and is not an interpretation of the law. Due to possible changes in applicable law, all information provided should be verified and checked for validity.